OK, so I don’t know about all my Faithful Readers, but I’m feeling pretty damn crappy today. And I’m pretty sure it’s not just the lingering fever.
So what have we learned in the past twenty-four hours? We’ve learned that a majority — a majority — of Americans are OK with torture. They’re OK with secret police. They’re OK with recklessness on the grand scale, both in foreign policy and government spending. And they’re OK with letting the rest of the world know that they stand behind an administration that supports these things.
So what now? That ever-present conservative buzzword: accountability. The Emperor now has a clear majority in the House, and a clear majority in the Senate… not to mention a clean claim on the office this time, although admittedly lacking such has never stopped him before. And so, whatever happens now, there is not — there can not be — anyone else to pawn the blame off on. Where does the buck stop again, Mr. Truman?
As for myself? I want to go home.