This is a weird sort of week for me, since tomorrow I’m flying down South, back to the place where I took my doctorate. This is strange on several levels, not the least of which being that it’s only Tuesday and I’m done with my classes for the week.
Right now I’m feeling vaguely disconnected from things, perhaps because of my trip twisting my week into something new. I know that there are things that I’m supposed to be doing, and if I concentrate I can even figure out what those things probably are. But it doesn’t quite translate into an impetus to get them done. And at the same time, I don’t really seem able to concentrate on any of my usual distractions.
Hm. Whatever.
Something I meant to mention last week: I saw a post on a political blog about “Intelligent Design”. And one of the ID proponents was listed in a press release as a “key design theorist”. To which I say: no, get your own damn discipline name! A “design theorist” is one who does design theory, a perfectly respectable subdiscipline of combinatorics; the name’s already taken, thankyouverymuch, and those of us in the mathematical community have no intention of giving it up easily.