Although considering that I’ve hard this site up for almost three years, I suppose that it’s nothing particularly to celebrate. Presumably this means I post an average of something like once every five days, but that doesn’t mesh with my confirmation-biased memory of rarely updating if ever.
Anyhow. Got back to my house after a longish weekend away at a workshop, and found that in my absence the A/C had been fixed. Huzzah! As a result, the house was quite blessedly cool… at least on the main floor. Upstairs, things were still on the warm side on account of because of the several windows I’d left open (to keep things coolish in the absence of A/C, natch).
I don’t know when the unit was fixed, but I’d imagine Friday; this means that the A/C was likely running continuously and somewhat wastefully all weekend. My gratitude to my landlords far outweighs the irritation at this latter development, but I’m unsure whether the very existence of the irritation makes me an ungrateful bastard.