Now is the browser of our discontent

For the past week I’ve mostly been using Firefox at the office. This is a phase I go through every now and again: I tire of how slow Safari can get, and how some of the fancy stuff out on the web works so badly with it, and so I go with the alternative.

It generally takes about a week before I’m even more frustrated with Firefox, for running slowly and for doing Wrong Things with more frequency than Safari would ever dream of. (I have limited use at present for things like Google Documents, for instance, but printing things on web pages happens somewhat more frequently. Firefox does the first gracefully, Safari the second, so really there’s no contest.) So I’m back to the default state now, though still less than happy about it.

Possibly what I need to do is upgrade to the most recent version of the OS, since Safari 2 seems to be a much happier app than Safari 1.x; the last time I asked, the university IT folks hadn’t finished vetting 10.4, but that was a while ago. Or I suppose better might be to wait until 10.5, which is supposed to be RSN. Or maybe what I need to do is get better hardware (i.e. more memory) or else change my habits (of having ten apps open on a regular basis, and three browser windows with multiple tabs in each) or something.

Anyhow. There’s no actual point to this entry, other than I’m not concentrating well on things this week. I’ve got several things that need writing, and I’m hoping that a bit of random blogging will prime the pump.

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