An ounce of prevention?

Upon getting home from campus today I checked my mailbox, as I frequently do. Found a bunch of magazines and an envelope from the BMV of the Midwestern State where I live. Marked “Legal Document”. Important-looking.

I was puzzled, because the last time I received one like it was back in September, prompting me to renew my vehicle registration. Now, renewals in this state are alphabetical, and since my surname falls fairly late in the alphabet I have to renew by mid-October of any given year. So why am I getting a renewal notice in January?

Because that’s precisely what it was. While I was pleased to see a significant reduction in the fee — let’s hear it for depreciation, I guess — I couldn’t figure out why the State was changing the rules and requiring my renewal this early.

Only they’re not. The form says that I have to remit payment by September 30th.

So I can only assume that this is some low-grade scam to collect money for the State coffers now and earn the 3% interest or whatever that they can accrue over the next eight months. That, or the people who send out the notices have been on a five-day amphetemine binge and are in the middle of polishing off their workload for the rest of the year.

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