I’ve been considering moving lately; I’ve had enough problems with the water in my current apt. that a change of venue seems like a good idea, and I’d really like to make walking to campus in under an hour a feasible plan.
What I’d like to do is to rent a house. (I flirt occasionally with buying, but given that I’m not really looking to be living in my current city for a long period of time — indeed, given that I’m hoping to vanish with very little warning indeed someday — such a course is probably unwise.) Of course, renting a house brings with it any number of attendant annoyances: lawn care, snow removal, etc. Also, it seems not uncommon hereabouts to ask renters to supply their own refridgerator, which is a little weird but I can dig it.
However, see vanish
above; when I do eventually move away, the fewer posessions I have the easier it will be. Also, I feel like I have better things to spend money on than a lawnmower… which I don’t really want anyhow, since my ideal lawn would consist of clover and other plants that don’t grow more than a decimter or so high and maybe a Zen garden.
So it’s looking like more apartment living for me.