Failure to eat. Penalty card.

Gah. Sitting in my office waiting for a student who may or may not show up, and once again I neglected to do anything about breakfast this morning. Like, say, have any.

My problem with breakfast is this: I like half-sleep a whole lot. That period at the beginning of the day when you’re still mostly asleep and yet conscious that you’re asleep, and your blankets are nice and warm because your body temperature hasn’t risen to normal levels yet… it’s just swell, I think. And so I have the bad habit of indulging in the simple pleasure of prolonging semiconsciousness for as long as I can.

Of course I’m still mostly asleep at this point, and so the idea of long-range planning isn’t really available to me very readily. And hence, I’ll generally put off getting up until it reaches the critical point of my needing to be on campus in half an hour, and of course by then unless I want to grab McD breakfast biscuits (which I usually don’t), I’ve shut off all possibility of a morning meal.

[Two minutes later:] OK, now that’s done with. On beyond lunchtime!

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