At the suggestion of the Salesman in Spite of Himself, I recently picked up a Coloretto deck. I’m enjoying about as much as possible when you consider that I’ve not yet managed to play a game with it.
Capsule summary of the game: there’s a bunch of lizard cards in various colours, a bunch of +2
cards, and a few chameleon cards. You’re trying to collect as many lizards in as few colours as possible, if you follow me; your best three colours count positively, and succeeding colours are negative. You score n points (plus or minus) for the nth lizard in any given colour, with chameleons counting in whatever colour you choose.
(Looking at the cards, I guess all the lizards are really chameleons. Good thing I’m neither a herpetologist nor a Turtle Tamer.)
Anyhow, so idleness has left my mind free to imagine. Specifically, I’m working on the rules for Coloretto Poker in its various permutations. I’ll post a page about it in a day or three, once I’ve had some time to work out the probabilities.